Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a safe and joyous holiday season. I am picking back up with my “Playroom 101” series. If you haven’t checked out my first post about toy clutter – stop, go read it, and come back here.
Today I will focus on storage solutions to ensure your newly pared down toy collection stays organized. Here are the storage solutions I recommend:
1. Use open shelving to store larger and/or frequently used pieces. This cubed storage unit from IKEA allows for storage with or without bins. By utilizing the open space you minimize the need to have so many baskets and bins. While baskets and bins are important, having too many can inadvertently lead to what I call “storage clutter.” Sounds like an oxymoron but trust me it can happen. Too much of anything is never a good thing.
2. When using baskets and bins you want to make sure they are either open like the wire baskets here or shallow like the wicker ones. You always want children to be able to see what’s inside. Being able to see what’s inside allows them to quickly make meaningful toy choices. In doing so, you eliminate the need for them to frantically throw everything out looking for that one toy they love.
3. As I mentioned in the toy clutter post, remember to cycle through toys and evaluate what you actually use. While toy storage is key, making sure you do not overbuy or hold on to too many toys is essential.
4. I saved the best (hardest) for last. Do NOT buy items that you know you don’t have space for. Hard I know. Trust me! At every playspace we visit JC immediately goes to the “kitchen.” I usually have to pry him away from the kitchen to explore other areas. Y’all. I want my baby to have a kitchen so bad. But, I only have 1200 sq. ft. Total. Remember? The kitchen is not happening. As much as it makes me sad, we don’t have space for it. Instead, I purchased play food and pots and pans for him and he pretends to cook just like he would in the kitchen. We both win.
One final tip. The start of the year is a great time to catch good deals on storage items. As you may have guessed, getting organized is a top resolution every year. The wicker baskets above were a $5 find in the dollar spot at Target. I also picked up the wire baskets in that same section a few weeks ago.
How about you? What storage solutions are you currently using? Are they working for you? Let me know. Head on over to my Instagram {@polishedplayhouse} and join the conversation.
Talk to you soon,